Mother's Day Weekend / Many meanings | BraTopia

    Mother's Day Weekend / Many meanings | BraTopia

    It's Mother's Day weekend - this can mean many different things depending on how your relationship is with your mother. This can also be a triggering weekend depending on how your journey to motherhood is or has been. Every day we have mothers of all ages walk through our doors - and I am also a mother of three children. My journey has been far from traditional. Here are some things that I have experienced on this journey that have made the journey full of life lessons:

    • Miscarriage
    • C-sections
    • Post partum depression
    • Divorce
    • Blended Family
    • Step Parenting
    • Trips to the Children's Hospital
    • Wanting to swear at people that tell me "It goes by so fast." (that hasn't been my experience)

    I have needed several parenting resources along the way - and one of my parenting coaches said something very poignant to me: "Entrepreneurs are amongst the most challenging to work with because they fix problems all day - and when it comes to their children it doesn't work the same."

    Whatever your journey is - know I am on this journey with you - in true authenticity and with love.

    Love Always,


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